Golf is a fantastic sport and is chosen by many as a form of entertainment and exercise. However, the fitness aspect is can be a bit moot if you choose to use a golf buggy. Either way, golf is still a great way to keep active and keep your body in shape so you can make the best shots.
Many people would also like to greatly improve their game, whether to break a personal goal or just to up some healthy competition between friends. Ben Hogan, one of golfing’s greats, has written just the book to help you improve your game. He covers what he calls the five fundamentals of golf. These fundamentals are:
The five lessons of golf fundamentals
- the grip,
- stance and posture,
- the first part of the swing,
- the second part of the swing, and
- summary and review.
Hogan does a great job at breaking down each lesson into little steps that even beginners will be able to learn from. The book contains a wealth of tips, tricks and cues to help improve each fundamental. Some of the tips might not benefit everyone, but generally any golfer will get some benefit from reading this book. Even if they only improve one of their grip, stance or swing; that can do wonders for their game.
The book was originally published in 1957 but has been reprinted many times over. It has fantastic illustrations by Anthony Ravielli, to help with Hogan’s explanations. The illustrations effectively convey Ben Hogan’s into a visual form which is a requirement for a book teaching physical activity.
To get this book and improve your game right now, go here to get a copy. You can also get the kindle edition if that is your preferred reading medium. This book is also featured in our golf kit, where you can find other beneficial products for golfing fanatics.