Ab roller

ab roller

The standing ab roller – possibly the king of abdominal exercises. While simple at its core, this exercise is extremely difficult and looks incredibly impressive. But many people can still benefit from using the ab roller for its easier counter part – the kneeling ab roller. This exercise is within reach of many people and can greatly benefit their core and abdominal training.

You start the exercise by kneeling on the ground (perhaps put a yoga mat or cushion down to protect your knees) with your hands on the roller just in front of your knees. Then slowly roll out to as far as you are comfortable and roll back again to the starting position. It is important to keep your whole core tensed and stable during the exercise. That includes tensing your glutes to keep your back stable especially when rolling back.

How can I progress with an ab roller?

One of the best things about an ab roller is that incremental progression is super easy. All you need to be tracking is how far you roll away fro your body. Even if you are just extending 1cm further each workout, that’s still progress! Additionally you can add some difficulty by rolling out diagonally. This allows you to work your abdominals in a different position, greatly enhancing your core stability. Just ensure you are keeping it balanced for each side you roll out.

Once you have mastered full roll outs while kneeling in diagonal directions you can move on to standing roll outs. The starting position is the same except you are standing with the roller in front of you. It is even more important to keep your core stable as there is much more pressure on your back.

If you are able to stick with it and get working on standing roll outs then you will be rewarded. With extreme core strength /stability, an incredible skill and six pack abs (if your diet is in check!).

To start improving your core stability and working on your six pack check out this ab roller here. Its simple design will get the job done and will last throughout all your workouts.