Exercise can boost your immune system!

New research argues that all exercise can boost your immune system. In particular while you are exercising and for several hours after, immune cells increase dramatically throughout the blood stream. Having more immune cells roaming through your body allows you to fight infections and diseases quickly and more effectively. An important thing to note is … Read more

Why you should take cold showers

Cold showers can provide numerous benefits to people who perform them regularly. Cold showers can be as simple as just using cold water whenever you take a shower or you can alternate between hot and cold water when taking a shower. Using either of these ways will provide benefits, however alternating maybe easier to deal … Read more

Why you should do one minute of exercise before a meal

Doing one minute of exercise before a meal can help blunt blood glucose and insulin spikes especially if it is a carbohydrate heavy meal. You can even increase your exercise time up to five minutes to increase the effect. However even doing one minute will provide some benefit. This study has shown that doing “exercise … Read more