Sandbag weights

sandbag weights

Sandbag weights are a cheap, fantastic alternative to traditional weights like dumbbells and barbells. They allow you to perform many of the same exercise but with some extra challenges to your stabilizer muscles due to the size and instability of the sandbags.

What exercises can you use sandbag weights for?

  • squat – either put the bag on your shoulders like a barbell or hold the bag to chest (called a zercher squat).
  • deadlift – lift the bag as per a normal deadlift.
  • chest press – lie down on the ground or a bench and press the sandbag like a normal chest press.
  • shoulder/military – again like the traditional exercise, press the bag from your chest to above your head.
  • loaded carry – sandbags can be used to do loaded carries if you have two or suitcase carries if you just have the one.

As you can see sandbag weights can easily replace conventional weights in your workout routine; plus they have the benefit of being cheap and adjustable. Most sand bags you can fill up to whatever level you need; or they will come with filler bags so you can alter the total weight easily on the fly.

Where to get sand?

Most landscaping business or home improvement stores will sell sand for as cheap as $5 for 100 pounds. That’s enough to fill up 2 bags easily. If you can’t afford that or you don’t have one of those stores nearby; you can always head to the beach for a free fill up. Of course I recommend once you have finished with the sand to return it to the beach; so as to not disrupt the natural environment too much.

So if you are keen to get a sandbag to take your workouts to a new place; there is a great option here. It has many different handles on the outside and comes with filler bags for easy adjust-ability. These sandbag weights also feature on our lifting kit as a way to add variety to your workouts. Other products in that kit might also be useful for lifters and fitness enthusiasts.