Top 5 products to help you stay healthy around Thanksgiving!

With Thanksgiving and black Friday coming up, it’s a great time to purchase some products to help keep your health in fitness in check. Especially after filling yourself full of turkey and other fantastic foods around the holiday season. But it doesn’t need to be expensive, all these products are under $50 and will help … Read more

Skipping rope

Skipping rope

Skipping is an absolutely fantastic exercise and a skipping rope is critical. Skipping is not just for young kids playing in school, many boxers use it in their training due to its great cardio and conditioning benefits. Why is skipping a great exercise? Skipping is a full body exercise and is a great way to … Read more

Boxing Kit

Boxing is a great sport for improving your fitness, coordination and agility however in can require some investment of money for the equipment. We have put together this kit of great boxing products for reasonable prices. Hopefully you can find some value out of the products we recommend for a new boxer. Boxing gloves Gloves … Read more

Speed Bag

Speed Bag

A speed bag is the smaller and faster counterpart to the the heavy bag and a good addition to your boxing kit. Great for adding variety to your boxing workouts and improving your speed and rhythm Techniques for using a speed bag No need to use boxing gloves with the speed bag; you can just … Read more



If part of your fitness and exercise regime involves participating in contact sports; perhaps you should consider appropriate protection like a mouthguard. Martial arts like boxing, judo, jujitsu as well as sports like rugby and football are fantastic ways to keep fit and healthy. However there is generally a higher chance of getting an injury … Read more

Top 5 health and fitness products under $50 in April 2019

April round up of great fitness products under $50. We have some great products to help you get back into exercise after the Easter break. Whether your choice of exercise is boxing, yoga or just basic exercises we’ve got something for everyone. 5. Boxing wraps The must have counterpart for boxing gloves for those interested … Read more

Boxing focus pads

Boxing focus pads

If you have all the basic boxing gear, and you’ve got a training partner get some boxing focus pads. These pads will allow you and your partner to take your boxing training to the next level. When should you use boxing focus pads? Boxing focus pads are a fantastic training tool providing you have a … Read more

Heavy Boxing Bag

Heavy Boxing Bag

If you want to take your boxing training and fitness to the next level you are going to need a heavy boxing bag at home. Once you have wraps and gloves, you can practice all your punches and combos on your bag. Having a bag available at home will help keep you on track for … Read more

Boxing Gloves

Boxing Gloves

The perfect pairing to go with your boxing wraps, boxing gloves are there to protect your hands when rattling the bag or a sparring partner. A pair of gloves are essential whether you are a sparring or just hitting the bag. It can take a while to get used to gloves as they may rub … Read more